is creating a stir at the first-ever Gaming Regulators Summit in London this coming September! This five-day gathering, expanding upon the achievements of its Australian equivalent, will delve into advanced studies, regulatory frameworks, and ethical guidance within the gaming sector.

A central attraction is Pitch!, a fresh networking function displaying inventive goods and methodologies. Imagine tools that enable companies to navigate the constantly shifting landscape of compliance and regulation, all while cultivating a responsible gaming ethos.

Enter, a veteran participant in the arena with more than ten years of expertise delivering cloud-based information management platforms for the gaming and leisure sector. Their influence is worldwide, assisting patrons in over 40 nations with live data analysis, cashless options, and tactics to elevate player participation.

What distinguishes AXES is its capacity to process vast quantities of data instantly, uncovering knowledge that seamlessly links diverse functions and applications. The outcome? Strengthened decision-making, heightened player safeguards, and maximized operational productivity.

By utilizing the potential of AI, is dedicated to making gaming more secure and enjoyable. Picture pinpointing problematic gaming patterns and tackling financial crimes – all through refined pattern recognition and proactive suggestions.

Senet Advisory’s leader, Paul Newson, conveyed his enthusiasm for the debut of Pitch! @RTG at the approaching London summit. He stressed the event’s function as a stage for exhibiting exceptional goods and concepts within the sector. Newson underscored the importance of Pitch! as a networking occasion, attracting substantial attention and generating a feeling of eagerness for those competing for a presentation slot.’s Chief Executive Officer, Earle G. Hall, shared his excitement about being chosen to present at Pitch! @RTG in London. He views the event as a leading chance for to display their proficiency in effectively overseeing the trajectory of land-based gaming. Hall is confident that regulators will observe firsthand how technology can foresee and avert hazards and harm. He expressed appreciation to the RTG group for their endeavors in coordinating such a noteworthy event.

Confirmed presenters at the event encompass notable individuals in the gaming industry, including Maris Catania from Safer Gambling Consultant, Tony Walker from SGCertified, and Shelley Langan-Newton, Chief Executive Officer of SQR Group Limited. The event guarantees a varied array of viewpoints with further organizations anticipated to be revealed in the coming weeks.

Paul Newson’s background as the former Deputy Secretary of the NSW Department of Industry, where he supervised public policy and regulation for alcohol, gaming, and horse racing in New South Wales, lends additional significance to the event’s legitimacy.

Paul, a past leader and supporter of the Global Association of Gaming Authorities and a guardian of the Ethical Gaming Foundation in New South Wales, delivered a major address at the Gaming Oversight: Developing Expertise assembly. This five-day gathering, currently in its third cycle, unites individuals and groups from around the world to deepen their knowledge of the gaming sphere. Centering on innovative leading practices, the assembly encourages thoughtful dialogues on the trajectory of gaming supervision.

Blog of Author

By Naomi "Nyx" Reese

Holding a Ph.D. in Fractal Geometry and a Master's in Art, this accomplished author has a deep appreciation for the aesthetic and mathematical dimensions of patterns and their role in shaping the visual and cultural landscape of the casino industry. They have expertise in fractal art, computer graphics, and visual mathematics, which they apply to the analysis of the visual and symbolic aspects of casino design and the development of strategies to promote artistic expression and cultural diversity in gambling environments. Their articles and reviews provide readers with an artistic and mathematical perspective on the casino industry and the strategies used to create visually stunning and mathematically inspired gambling experiences.

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